Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blueprint for a Better Nation.

Take a few moments and imagine what you think would be a good way for us to live together.  

We have the knowledge and ability to feed everyone in North America with healthy farming of the land including the encouragement of small personal vegetable gardens.

We have the knowledge and ability to provide plenty of clean water to North America by respecting the natural methods of filtering and stopping our pollution.

We have the knowledge and ability to provide inexpensive single family homes with yard space for individuals using ideas taken from the case study houses and using materials straight out of the hardware stores and lumber stores to make inexpensive, well-insulated, attractive and livable homes right now that can be built on vacant lots.

We can educate everyone who wants to learn by employing out of work middle aged and senior individuals to teach what they know in community colleges, in extension courses and in store fronts.

We can continue our quest for knowledge by attending classes throughout our lifetimes so that 20 somethings are not the only students that are expected to be seen in a classroom.

When we are able to change our profession and improve our happiness by pursuing our interests when we so desire, our society will be healthier and will grow and prosper.

There are grossly unfair tax advantages given to the wealthiest individuals and that the working class suffers an unduly disproportionate burden of taxation. 

Estate taxes can be increased so that the maximum amount that may remain untaxed upon death is one million dollars per person and any amount over that can be taxed at 45%.  The use of the bypass trust provision currently available to a surviving spouse can be continued.

We can direct our society to reward work based on merit instead of on lineage and fraternity.

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